Twenty-two year old Ella doesn’t want to get too serious in her relationship with Casper. She wants to find out what monogamy means in the age of Tinder. In the past everything seemed so simple: you met someone, fell in love, married when you were in your early twenties and soon after you had children. With the rise of dating apps, smartphones and social media, Ella has a variety of options for finding possible ‘perfect’ partners. The more the better, you’d think. Right?

" This film is a result of a personal quest, in the narration I want to show my background as a dance maker. Both my grandparents and my parents have been married since they were young and have never had any other relationship. After having ended a six-year relationship myself, I have always wondered; If I were a baby boomer like my grandparents, I would probably not have broken up and I would have followed the same path as my parents and grandparents did: creating a family of my own at a young age.” Fascinated by generational differences, I started investigating how we, as millennials, deal with relationships, love and sex in relation to how the baby boomers did 50 years ago.The film is about a generational difference and a major social tilt in the concept of marriage and fidelity, which is why this film is interesting to millennials and baby boomers. "

- Film Fest Gent 2018 student competition // Won the third price of the publics vote.
- Leuven International Short film festival 2018.
- Leuven International Short film festival 2018.
14.03.19 - BLX MAKERS - Cinema Palace
10.03.19 - Internationaal Film Festival Assen Vrouw&Film - De nieuwe Kolk
07.12.18 - Internationaal Kortfilm Festival Leuven - STUK
05.12.18 - Internationaal Kortfilm Festival Leuven - STUK
03.12.18 - Internationaal Kortfilm Festival Leuven - STUK
18.10.18 - Film fest Gent - Kinepolis
14.10.18 - Film fest Gent - Kinepolis
14.03.19 - BLX MAKERS - Cinema Palace
10.03.19 - Internationaal Film Festival Assen Vrouw&Film - De nieuwe Kolk
07.12.18 - Internationaal Kortfilm Festival Leuven - STUK
05.12.18 - Internationaal Kortfilm Festival Leuven - STUK
03.12.18 - Internationaal Kortfilm Festival Leuven - STUK
18.10.18 - Film fest Gent - Kinepolis
14.10.18 - Film fest Gent - Kinepolis
" Love Rat is een zoektocht naar één van de grote Waaroms van deze tijd. De film geeft een persoonlijke kijk op een grotere vraagstelling."
- Ellen Van Hoegaerden -